Your high school student's path to a successful future starts here!
The Shining Mindz Career Pathways Program provides your high school student a path from high school to college with college choices and recommendations, GPA building, resume building for 9th to 12th graders and a personalized approach under experts' guidance.
Assessment and analysis of the student’s strengths, weakensses and potential academic career pathway opportunities
Recommendations for selection of colleges, internship and volunteer opportunities on educational and training programs
Assistance in identifying potential careers and exploring different career paths
The Shining Mindz Career Pathways Program is a comprehensive career coaching program designed to guide students towards their optimal college program options. This program combines a personalized approach with in-depth analysis of each student’s potential. Utilizing a variety of assessment tools, including student and personal interviews, as well as psychometric tests, Career Pathway thoroughly evaluates students’ strengths, interests, and aspirations. By delving into their unique qualities and preferences, the program uncovers valuable insights, enabling expert career coaches to make well-informed recommendations. With Career Pathways, students gain a clear understanding of their career goals and the college programs that align with their individual talents, helping them make confident and informed decisions about their academic journey. At all stages of the process, we are open to discussing any specific issues that arise as parents and students make solid decisions on the pathway. Please let us know how we can help you plan your child's future for the best possible results and peace of mind.
How we go about it...
Student personal interview
The student will answer a series of questions about life experiences, learning styles, dreams, and fears of the future, likes, dislikes, special skills and talents, limitations, values, and factors that have shaped his/her personality.
Test Report Debriefing
This is a friendly, personal discussion with student and parents about analysis of the assessments and the student interview, along with both specific and general advice on future coursework, financial advice and scholarship leads.
Parental interview
Our experts visit with the parents and collect important information about the student. This allows the parents to share their own feelings and expectations of the student and perhaps offer valuable insights and information that the student may have forgotten or may not even know.
Colleges, Internship & Volunteer Recommendations
​This follow-up addendum to the written report includes:
discussion of remaining classwork, choosing dual credit or AP courses,
building the college resume and portfolio with extracurricular activities.
help in both admissions and scholarship application process (up to three different essay reviews for admission)
scholarship and cost-saving measure recommendations
Assessment battery
The student will complete a series of (usually six or seven) psychometric instruments and quizzes of between two and three hours duration measuring a range of the student’s intellectual and emotional traits and skill aptitudes. We select the best assessments for each students from our collection.
Pre-Matriculation Follow-Up
Meeting to assist with academic advising (college course selection, major/minor selection, alternative academic career options).